
Thursday 4 October 2012

Wow!  Can't believe how the time as just flown by!  I have been AWOL for quite some time as I lost my mojo for a time - I've been trying to get back to my sewing mode - I think the last time I ever sewed anything was about 5+ years ago!!!  Well I've given up on that as I just couldn't seem to get into it.  The sewing machine and fabrics have now been put away AGAIN!  So finally I thought well lets try and make a card - haven't stopped since then!  Yep, MOJO IS BACK!!!!!  I think bottom line, I'm a papercrafter at heart!  So to kick off my first post (after a looonnngg time) here are two pictures show casing what I've been up to lately.  These projects are actually items that will be on sale at the 2012 Long Bay Ladies Christmas Shopping Night which is due to take place on Friday, 16 November from 6:30 pm to 9 pm - so if you are keen to have a night out with your mates, come along to the Shopping Night - tickets are availabe through Long Bay Primary School and you can visit the following link   to see what other items will be available.